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Movement Programme 
(For children aged 5-10 years) 

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The Movement Programme uses specialist approaches and techniques to maximise a child’s engagement, achievement and independence both in and out of school. Each programme is designed specifically for the individual child and is focused on playful, engaging and fun exercises, games and activities. The foundation of such methods lie in the theory that before a child can engage their brain to learn, they must first have an awareness of their body.



Suitable for children who have:

  • Attention Problems

  • Coordination Problems

  • Difficulty Learning to Swim

  • Difficulty Riding Bikes 

  • Difficulty in Physical Education

  • Developmental Coordination Disorder (Dyspraxia)

  • Inability to Sit Still or Remain Silent 

  • Maths Problems

  • Poor Eye-Hand Coordination 

  • Reading Problems

  • Writing Problems



What does the programme involve?

Personalised programmes are designed for each individual child, dependent on their strengths and challenges. A range of methods are used, based around play and physical movement – key factors to a child’s development and learning. Throughout the programme these activities are graded and adapted to suit the child’s capabilities as they begin to create new connections, increase their body awareness and develop their coordination. Programmes generally run for a minimum of 10 weeks, dependent on the child's needs. Creating new connections within the brain does not happen over night, but is instead a gradual process; ultimately leading to greater balance in your child's brain and body, enabling them to feel calm, focussed and ready to learn.




Contact us today to discuss how we might be able to help your child.

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